Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 48 - Shrinking man

Heard from people yesterday the sentence 'look at the shrinking man! you look much better'

That's enough to jack-up the commitment to PCP.

Lately getting the food ready was a logistical challenge. My wife who used to help me is very busy with the kid who just started the solids so she is cooking for him and not for me anymore. I am eating a lot of salads as a substitute to 'regular veg' because it's easier to prepare.

1 comment:

  1. That is excellent validation for all your hard work. Well done.

    For my baby I am following the "Baby Led Weaning" philosophy which means my little one (9 months) pretty much eats the same sort of food as I do. Low salt, steamed veg sticks. It is really messy though. We had rice for lunch today and there is rice everywhere.
